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Stereo TV... The latest scam.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 8:01 pm
by Malcolm Boyce
So I recently noticed that analog television channels are broadcasting mono versions of stereo stations.

I remember when "Stereo" was the buzz word in TV broadcasting, and as soon as they could get tooled up, on the air they were. Everyone got the hippest new "Stereo" capable televisions and even shows specifically mentioned it in their openings... Remember the "In Stereo Where Available" graphics at the beginning of programs?

So now, in what I can only assume is the next in a long line to get everyone to woo over "digital" and how much better it "looks and sounds", Rogers in our locale has taken a leap back. Television channels are guaranteed to be in stereo in 2010. It's a given. The analog cable subscriber is no longer seeing, or should I say hearing that.

This is such a classic scam, and I just realized it recently. Who knows how long they've been up to this. To be specific, not all channels are mono, but many of them that I checked VS their "digital" counterparts were.

As their customer, I can only speak of Rogers, and in our area I they would be the only one broadcasting analog other than "off air" local stations, so that's a moot point.